Sunday, September 12, 2010

Post 22

So Cold (triggering)

In the exam room
So cold…
Damn paper gown does
Not cover anything…
I wish they would
Have told me what
Was gonna happen…
Old man in white
Snapping latex gloves
He muttered and scowled
To the nurse (like I wasn’t in the room)
“not a damn thing.”
(God damn her, lying neurotic weirdo, for wasting my precious administrators and time)
“Excuse me mister? Have you found it yet?”
I asked.
“Found what?” he asked.
(My dignity of course. You seem to have forgotten that I am a real person laying here on this bed.)
“What you’re looking for.” I answer.
Standing abruptly, he dismissed me for a worthier trauma.
I am so cold…

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